Saturday, October 20, 2007

Corrie Story #6

Corrie just finished practicing her piano lesson. She's working on "Mary Had a Little Lamb." Afterward she had the song in her head and was therefore, naturally, singing the lyrics:

"Mary had a little lamb
Little lamb,
Little lamb,
Mary had a little lamb
...its fleas were white as snow!"


Here's Andrea and her class on "Superhero Day." With all the work she's put into this year, she's definitely earned the title.

Big/Little Sib Day

Corrie and Ransom were invited to participate in the school's "Big/Little Sib Day" in which the older kids are paired up with the younger ones for an afternoon of fun and activities. This year's theme was "Superheroes." Here's a picture of Corrie and her big sib Sheila as Super-Princesses.

Here's Ransom and Daniel as Superman (Supermen?) This pose won them a prize in the best character category, by the way.

Here are the super-sibs in the obstacle course. There was no flying allowed, so they removed their capes.

Here are all four, using their super-flying powers.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Zoo

Sorry for the delay, but we had some difficulties putting this entry together. For Andrea's 30th birthday we went to the Madrid Zoo with our good friend Bobbi, and we had so much fun! Hope you enjoy the show...

(In case you are wondering about the end scene - we got sneezed on by a llama!)