Thursday, March 01, 2007

Holy Toledo Batman!

The next day we went to Toledo. It is the former capital of Spain and lies to the south. Very beautiful. Here are the highlights.

-We all tried mazapan for the first time. They are little chewy buns made out of ground up almonds. Hard to explain but pretty tasty.

-Sara got reprimanded inside the cathedral for taking pictures with a flash. At least, we think Sara got yelled at for taking pictures with a flash. Spanish is hard enough to understand without a loudspeaker and and echoing cathedral. Here's a contraband picture of the organ inside of the Cathedral in Toledo. It's much brighter than the ones you will find elsewhere, because few are brave enough to be as rebellious as my sister Sara when it comes to flash photography. (Don't try to sell it on the internet, it's copyrighted.)

-The kids got new apparel to keep them from becoming icicles. (OK, it was probably only like 50 degrees, but we are from California.
-Watched a parade which kicked off Carnaval. Carnaval is the week or so before Lent starts. Lent is the 40 days before Easter where you are supposed to give up a bad habit, addiction, influence, etc. and be somber and serious. So Carnaval is basically an excuse to do all the evil things you won't be able to do during Lent. We didn't get the best pictures because of the crowd. Here's the disco bus going by.

I think most of the men in the parade must be giving up cross-dressing for Lent. Not a very good picture, but that fairy had a beard under that mask.

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