Monday, June 18, 2007

Notre Dame

Notre Dame was amazing. Absolutely beautiful inside and out. Mass was going on when we walked through so we got to hear the choir singing- and the acoustics under those arched ceilings is incredible. Had we had more time there (and maybe a babysitter) I would have liked to attend a concert they were holding as they were performing Bach and Gregorian chants. Next time!

There are huge, elaborately stained glass windows in the cathedral and as we were admiring them (from inside, though, when all the colors show - sorry, didn't get a picture of that) Corrie says matter of factly, "Boppa (Grandpa Paul) makes windows like that."

I am sorry to admit that our children's favorite feature of Notre Dame was this spinny thing in a small playground in the back corner of the cathedral's garden! Maybe instead I'll just tell you that they requested daily to visit Notre Dame again.

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