The day after Thanksgiving we asserted our Americanism and went to a mall. Unlike American malls however, this one was a ghost town. Since the don't have Thanksgiving here, they obviously don't have Day-After-Thanksgiving sales. Nor, of course, do they have the rampant American
materialism, but they are working on it. We went with a family called the Fields and had a nice time getting to know them. Corrie and Julia have become bosom buddies. It took about 30 seconds to establish "best friend" status on the day they met. Had
Chinese food in the food court. It's been at least a year since we have indulged in the Mandarin Orange/MSG-glazed chicken (?) chunks that have so eloquently been described by those among our acquaintance as "notches and knuckles." It was quite a treat and it gave us that sick and over-full feeling reminiscent of our favorite Chinese dives at home. Why
do they mound five pounds of rice and knuckles onto each serving? The mall also had an indoor ski slope, so we entertained ourselves by watching the skiers and snow-boarders.