Friday, January 04, 2008

Felices fiestas y'all

Woke up this morning in the mood to blog, you lucky audience, you. Sorry you had to spend so long looking at what one of our adoring fans calls "the disturbing boy." We have our excuses for not blogging lately, oh yes, we do, but who wants to hear them? That was last year. We shall try to bring you up to date. Here's a picture of two impertinent little gnomes in one of those cheezy rides that slowly go up and down about six inches. What a waste of a euro. The kids beg and plead for these whenever they see one, and when they finally get to ride one, the look on their faces says, "This is not really as fun as it looked like it was going to be." But of course they would never admit it. Philosophical question: If one is under the impression that one is having fun, is that the same thing as having fun?

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