Sunday, March 09, 2008

On the North Shore

As most of you know, we recently made a little whirlwind trip: California for a few days, followed by a trip to Hawaii, in order to attend the wedding of Andrea's sister Marissa (more to come on that subject) and then back to California for a few more days, then returning to Spain. Ransom who used to love airplanes, is now panick-stricken at the thought of getting on an airplane. Poor guy. Guess we logged a few too many hours of flight time! Anyway, about Hawaii. Marissa and her new husband rented beach houses for the family to stay in. They were fantastic. Here is a view of our backyard. Nice:

The kids enjoying he beach:

Corrie loves to body surf!

Ransom up to now has preferred the sand over the water
but swam with his daddy quite a few times this trip.

A man came to trim the palm tree while we were there and everyone enjoyed watching him scale the tree and hack off branches and coconuts with his machete-looking tool. He cut one open for us and everyone partook of the sweet coconut water.

The kids decided to do some tree-scaling of their own. Ransom the monkey:

Corrie and Holley, Marissa's new niece. Who knows what relation that makes the girls.

Went for a ride in a jeep to the tip of the north shore and did some tidepool exploring.

Ransom's been working on his goatee.

Homeschool lesson about crabs.

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