Friday, May 30, 2008

The Latest Craze for RansomBoy

Well, the monitor lizard phase has given way to a new obsession: The Thorny Devil. It's an Australian lizard that looks like this:

It's pretty much all he has talked about for the past two days. He wants one for a pet and is planning a trip to Australia to catch it. Click here to watch a brief but fascinating documentary on this guy.

While you are at it, watch this one about the Jesus Christ Lizard. Yes, the lizard is nicknamed after Jesus, because the thing can actually walk (well, run) on top of water! Pretty amazing.

Here was Ransom's bedtime prayer last night: "Dear Lord, please let everyone in the world know about the thorny devil lizard and let them know that it lives in Australia. Also, thank you for the Jesus Christ Lizard, who can walk on the water, just like you, Lord. Amen."

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