Friday, June 27, 2008

Leaving Camarma

Well, after two years of living in Camarma de Esteruelas, we said goodbye to Spain in early June. Excited about the future, we were also sad to leave our quiet little Spanish town. Peregrino is the Spanish word for pilgrim. Our journey through Spain has helped us to understand that we are simply peregrinos, and that this world is not our home. We look forward to meeting new people, exploring new places, and enjoying the people and places already dear to us, but our eyes are heavenward, because we know that there is our real home.

Since we are no longer Jacksons in Spain, we are launching a new blog called Just Jacksons to record our adventures from this point. Go there to read about our travelling frenzy on the way home from Spain and our continuing saga of adventure, comedy, romance, and drama.

1 comment:

The Wrangler said...