Sunday, September 23, 2007


Corrie has been after me (Andrea) to teach her how to knit. The extent of my knitting knowledge prior to two weeks ago, however, amounted to a handful of fond childhood memories watching my great grandmother knitting, and of course the experience of how those hand-made afghans kept me warm in bed, roofed forts, curtained stages, etc. So, I had a friend visiting the States pick up a book for us about how to teach a child to knit figuring it must be able to teach a grown up, too, right? We visited a yarn store in Madrid, buying the items we need to make two scarves- one for Corrie, and one for her doll. The project and the colors being selected by Corrie. I opened the book, followed the pictures, and voila! two weeks later we have half a scarf. (I wasn't sure about the endeavor when I started, but it gets easier as you go.) Corrie is a good little knitter, though it's beyond her to do on her own as yet. She'll knit half a dozen stiches at a time and then hand it back to me. In fact, I was sitting on the couch relaxing the other day after school and she reprimanded me: "Why are you just sitting there, Mom? Why aren't you knitting on my scarf?" What a slave driver! It's been a fun project, though. She determines what color comes next in the pattern, and has been really interested in how I change the yarn colors, etc. And it gives me something to do in the evenings while Brian and I read Lord Peter Wimsey. So, who knows, perhaps you'll find a pair of hand-knit socks from the Jackson ladies under your Christmas tree this winter!

1 comment:

Susan said...

AMAZING!! Only you Andrea would of had the gumption for this! That must be a scarf for looks mighty big for Corrie (:
Enjoy your new hobby that I know will last a lifetime!